# ☸️ Notes on Buddha Dhamma ![[Vandana#^mano-tassa]] ## Welcome 🙏 Welcome! :) I'm sharing my notes on Buddha [[Dhamma]], aiming to provide succinct explanations on key Dhamma concepts & practices, with [[Suttas|Sutta]] references. May all beings attain the supreme bliss of [[Nibbana|Nibbāna]] at the earliest. 🙏 ## Core Dhamma - The Triple Gem - [[Buddha]], [[Dhamma]] ([[Suttas|Sutta]]), [[Sangha|Saṅgha]] ([[Vilas]]) - Core Concepts - [[4 Noble Truths]] - [[Dukkha]] - [[Noble 8-fold Path]] - [[Pancupadanakkhandha|5 Grasping Aggregates]] _(Pañcupādānakkhandhā)_ - [[Rupa|Form]] (_Rūpa_) - [[Vinnana|Consciousness]] (_Viññāṇa_) - [[Paticca-samuppada|Dependent Origination]] (_Paṭicca-samuppāda_) - [[Namarupa|Name and Form]] (_Nāmarūpa_) - 3 Characteristics of Existence _([[Tilakkhana|Tilakkhaṇa]])_ - [[Anicca]] — "Uncertainty", The Passing nature of things - [[Dukkha]] — The "Unsatisfactory" nature of things - [[Anatta|Anattā]] — The lack of a "Essence" or "Personality" - Other Core Concepts - [[Nibbana|Extinguishment]] (_Nibbāna_) — the Ultimate Goal - [[Kilesa|Defilements]] (_Kilesa_) ## Core Practices - Overview - [[Noble 8-fold Path]] (_Ariya Aṭṭhaṅgika Magga_) - [[Carana|15 Good Conducts]] (_Caraṇa Dhamma_) - [[Bodhipakkhiya-dhamma|37 Factors of Awakening]] _(Bodhipakkhiyā Dhamma)_ - Starting point - Establishing Faith (via [[Vandana|Vandanā]]) - Establish Morality ([[Sila|Sīla]]) - Remove the 10 Immoral Deeds ([[Dasa Akusala]]) - Guarding the sense doors (via [[Indriya Samvara|Indriya Saṁvarā]]) - Removing [[Nivarana|Hindrances]] (_Nīvaraṇa_) - [[Metta|Mettā]] - [[Asubha]] - Meditations ([[Samadhi|Samādhi]]) - [[Satipatthana|Satipaṭṭhāna]] - [[Jhana|Jhāna]] - [[Samatha]] - [[Vipassana|Vipassanā]] - [[Anapanassati|Ānāpānassati]] ## 中文 - 中文读者,请看[[欢迎|佛法笔记分享]] --- [[Eryu]] ([[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])), 2024 | [[What's new|What's new?]]